Monday, April 14, 2008

Catching Up/Happy Birthday

I know it's been a while since I blogged but I've been a bit crazed. On Friday my entire new kitchen sink area leaked through to the basement. I was on the phone ordering parts for my instant hot, the sprayer and the disposal. What are the odds that all three are broken at once. I am still waiting for 1 part. I am only having 18 people over this weekend and I need to start cooking by Thursday!!!

Saturday was the hubby's birthday!!! The grandparents took the kids for the night and we had a wonderful dinner at this great local restaurant called the Red Hat. When I first moved to Westchester we had to go into the city to get a great meal with a little atmosphere. Now we have a bunch to choose from less then 10 minutes away. Of course it is always nice to get into the city. We are going next week to see the Young Frankenstein on Broadway.

Well Wish List Wednesday seems to be working, my daughter's cold went away ( now my son has one), I am getting a laptop, and I am going to replace my little TV under the counter. If anybody has any suggestions regarding the laptop please let me know. I need it to link to our Dell. Can I get a Mac????


Kwana said...

Happy Birthday to the Hubby!!! I'm so sorry about the sink but I know you'll have a wonderful dinner party. Sorry about the cold transfer. Ugh. Must be more specific on the wishes. LOL.

Not sure about the computer. Will ask my DH.

Braque68 said...

Happy Birthday to your DH!!

Sorry about the leaks -hope they get fixed soon.

Nice work on achieving your goals.

I love my Macbook -would highly recommend it but then again, we are a Mac family :)

Jill said...

Happy belated birthday to hubby!
Sorry about the sink, but I'm sure it'll all work out.
Definitely get a Mac- No VIRUSES! No SPYWARE!