Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wish List Wednesday

So since  my last  blog lots of my wishes have come true. My cold went away, my son didn't get the virus or lice (knock on wood), I did book a Jamaica vacation that my husband agreed to, my business partners are starting to get in the groove and I think I may have come up with a 50th anniversary gift for the parents. So now on to this weeks wishes....

I wish....
1) that I get everything done before the vacation
2) no bad weather for our flight out
3) sunny skies in Jamaica

Just in case there is no time to blog next week. I wish you all a wonderful Presidents week vacation and a very Happy Valentines Day!!!!


pve design said...

The fact that you are writing your wishes down shows that it truly can make it happen.
May all your wishes come true.

Kwana said...

May all your wishes come true. I'm writing mine down too. There are plenty. Have wonderful vacation.